SLX300 Modules Devices

Part Number COM TypeMounting TypeSoftware Option
RS-232 Panel Mount None
RS-232 DIN rail None
RS-232 DIN rail Shape Software
RS-232 Panel Mount Shape Software
RS-232 1U Rack Mount Box w/SD card None
RS-232 1U Rack Mount Box w/SD card Shape Software
RS-485 Panel Mount None
RS-485 DIN rail None
RS-485 DIN rail Shape Software
RS-485 Panel Mount Shape Software
RS-485 1U Rack Mount Box w/SD card None
RS-485 1U Rack Mount Box w/SD card Shape Software
USB (VCP) Panel Mount None
USB (VCP) DIN rail None
USB (VCP) DIN rail Shape Software
USB (VCP) Panel Mount Shape Software
Ethernet Panel Mount None
Ethernet DIN rail None
Ethernet DIN rail Shape Software
Ethernet Panel Mount Shape Software
USB (VCP) & Ethernet 1U Rack Mount Box w/SD card None
USB (VCP) & Ethernet 1U Rack Mount Box w/SD card Shape Software

Frequently Asked Questions

Due to resource constraints on my computer, I'm unable to open the three dimensional CAD models provided on your website. Does Dataforth provide two demensional CAD models for download as well?
Two dimensional CAD models can be generated upon customer request. Please contact Customer Service for assistance.
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If you have a question that is not answered here, please submit your question using our Online Technical Support Assistance.
Dataforth offers a wide range of custom modules for those instances when our standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions don't quite meet your specific application needs. Contact Customer Service and Application Support to discuss design guidelines and design feasibility. Customer Service and Application Support can be reached at or +1-800-444-7644.

We want your feedback!

We are interested in your feedback regarding our products. Please let us know what you think and if you have any questions regarding the SLX300 Modules and how this product could apply to your application. Your feedback is very valuable to us and very much appreciated.