Each DSCP55 RTD Loop-Powered Converter provides a single channel of RTD input which is amplified, linearized and converted to a highlevel 4 to 20mA or 20 to 4mA output. Inputs may be connected by 2, 3, or 4 wires and measurement range may be configured by dip-switch.
  • Input: <ul><li>Pt100 (–200°C to + 650°C)</li><li>Ni100 (–60°C to + 250°C)</li></ul>
  • Output: Current (4 to 20 or 20 to 4mA)
  • Spring Cage Clamp Connection
  • 16-Bit Resolution
  • Better than ±0.1% Accuracy
  • Configuration by Dip-Switch
  • Compact 6.2mm DIN Housing
  • CE Compliant
Pt100, Ni100 Loop-Powered Converter

DSCP55 Devices

Part Number Input TypeOutput TypeMechanical FormatInternal Power SupplyIsolation VoltageIsolation TypeAccuracySupply Voltage
Pt100, Ni100 Current DIN rail None 1500 Vrms Transformer 3-way <±0.1% Loop Powered

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dataforth provide calibration reports for modules I purchased?
Yes we can provide calibration reports for the modules that you purchased.

You can either
a) visit https://www.dataforth.com/TestDataReport.aspx to search for Test Report Datasheets by Serial Number or
b) you can send us a list of model numbers and their serial numbers to support@dataforth.com

How does the load resistance of a module affect the noise at the output?
Noise at the output of a module is independent of load resistance.

I have a high-speed application that requires a module for converting current to voltage (4-20mA to 0-5V) and also from voltage to current (0-5V to 4-20mA). Due to the high-speed of the application it would be preferable if there was no internal filter. Does Dataforth have a module that could meet these requirements?
The DSCP63 DC Voltage/Current converter is a match for this application. This module provides a single channel of voltage or current input which is converted to a voltage or current output. Input/output range, filter, fault indication, square root function and other functions may be configured by dip-switch. Disabling the filter on this module will reduce response time from <74ms to <35ms.

Other modules that have configurable filters include the following: DSCP55, DSCP61, DSCP62, DSCP64, DSCP65, and DSCP81.

Due to resource constraints on my computer, I'm unable to open the three dimensional CAD models provided on your website. Does Dataforth provide two demensional CAD models for download as well?
Two dimensional CAD models can be generated upon customer request. Please contact Customer Service for assistance.
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If you have a question that is not answered here, please submit your question using our Online Technical Support Assistance.
Dataforth offers a wide range of custom modules for those instances when our standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions don't quite meet your specific application needs. Contact Customer Service and Application Support to discuss design guidelines and design feasibility. Customer Service and Application Support can be reached at sales@dataforth.com or +1-800-444-7644.

We want your feedback!

We are interested in your feedback regarding our products. Please let us know what you think and if you have any questions regarding the DSCP55 and how this product could apply to your application. Your feedback is very valuable to us and very much appreciated.