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Resistance Temperature Detectors

In three pages, this newsletter provides nearly everything you'd ever want to know about resistance temperature detectors, or RTDs. From the physics of temperature effects on electron flow to mathematical models and equivalent circuit behaviors... you will be happy to learn that someone else considers all these details in signal conditioning design!

Dataforth's RTD signal conditioners provide you with an Instrument Class electronic subassembly! Sophisticated techniques are used to eliminate the effects of line resistance, self-heating, non-linearity, and at the same time provide surge protection and isolation!

You will also find the reference links given at the end of this newsletter to be a valuable addition to your own bookmarks.

Application Note AN105, RTD - Resistance Temperature Detectors (395Kb, pdf file)

Remember, our Application Engineers can assist you with signal conditioner selection over the phone or via fax and email. Call us at our manufacturing facility in Tucson at 520-741-1404 (fax 520-741-0762) or Email us at
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