Failure rate calculations for the DSCA, SCM5B, SCM7B, and 8B modules are derived from MILHDBK-217F, Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment. The “Part Stress Analysis” method is used at a ground benign environment, +30°C temperature, and quality level B-2 to D-1 depending on the component. The specified humidity level is 95% RH noncondensing. All DSCA, SCM5B, SCM7B, and 8B modules undergo a 48 hour burn-in at +85°C before final calibration and shipment. This “preconditioning” serves to minimize field failures by stabilizing components and causing “infant failures,” if any, to occur. The failure rates presented below apply to modules under normal operating conditions. DSCA Modules SCM7B Modules and Accessories SCM5B Modules and Accessories 8B Modules and Accessories