The main difference is the SCM7B41 is an input module and the SCM7B22 is an output module.
This means that.
The 7B41 module has its input on the isolated field side of the module connect to it through screw terminal blocks. The 7B41 module has its output on the system and power supply side of the module connect to it through DB-25 connector (SCM7BP01, SCM7BP02, SCM7BP04, SCM7BP08, and SCM7BP16).
The 7B22 module has its output on the isolated field side of the module connect to it through screw terminal blocks.
The 7B22 module has its input on the system and power supply side of the module connect to it through DB-25 connector (SCM7BP01, SCM7BP02, SCM7BP04, SCM7BP08, and SCM7BP16).
Keywords/Phrases: 7B, 7B module, 7B input module, 7B output module, 7B22, 7B41