Send an email to Lee Payne What’s next? As you use Dataforth’s products, and we manufacture hundreds of analog signal conditioners as well as data acquisition system solutions, I need to hear what you want next! What’s on your wish list? What type of applications do you see that might be better solved if only Dataforth could do this, or do that…

Signal conditioners and data acquisition systems have been around a long time and Dataforth takes pride in producing high-performance, low-cost state-of-the-art electronics for those types of applications. For 21 years we have improved quality systems and manufacturing processes; so, today we provide you with better than Six-Sigma quality from our ISO9001:2015 managed system!

Now for the future! Evolving technologies, such as wireless and circuit miniaturization have created so many opportunities that I ask you to describe your wish list product(s) that you would use if you could only find them. Please email me, my direct email address. A short description will do. Please forward this email to anyone in your organization who you think might also wish to respond. Thanks in advance for your continued support.

Lee Payne, CEO
Dataforth Corporation - Since 1984

3331 E Hemisphere Loop
Tucson, AZ 85706 USA

Phone 520-741-1404 ext.239
Fax 520-741-0762

My email:
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