Dataforth Corporation of Tucson, AZ, has just expanded into a second building, adding 17,000 square feet to the 12,000 square feet at the company's headquarters location. The new facility, at 6230 S. Country Club, Tucson, houses all manufacturing and test operations, as well as the warehouse, shipping and receiving.

"This additional space gives us tremendous flexibility as Dataforth’s business continues to grow," says Operations Manager Joel Lohr. "Inside space can be reconfigured as needed and because we sit on 2+ acres there's plenty of outside space, as well."

Dataforth's data acquisition and control, signal conditioning, and data communication product lines include more than 1000 different products designed specifically to protect valuable measurement and control signals and connected equipment from the degrading effects of noise, transient power surges, internal ground loops, and other hazards found in industrial environments.

All three elements of the production process for these products now takes place in the new building, from surface mount to bench assembly to test. Dataforth products are all tested 100% twice.

Dataforth's original building, at 3331 E. Hemisphere Loop, Tucson, remains the home for engineering, sales and marketing, and administrative functions. Without the manufacturing functions that had been located in this facility, there is plenty of room for growth there, too.

"We had been renting some additional manufacturing space," Robert Smith, VP of sales and marketing, explains, "but the time for a permanent expansion had arrived. The new facility is a perfect fit for our needs."

Dataforth was established in 1984 and is the world leader in data acquisition and control, signal conditioning, and data communication products for industrial applications. Worldwide, our products provide rugged signal and data integrity and wide spectrum accuracy. All Dataforth products are manufactured in the USA and have been RoHS Compliant since 2006. The Dataforth Quality Management System is ISO9001:2015 registered.

For additional information, call 800-444-7644 toll-free or email
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